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Metro 7v7 Rules of Competition

Each player MUST have a valid OASA player pass and present it to the referee prior to each game.No pass, no play.

Point system to determine playoff spot

Tie Breaker

Winner of semi-finals advance to final. No overtime, tie game immediately advances to pks (5 followed by sudden death)

Red Cards will result in a minimum of 1 game suspension. OASA rules will be imposed to have player card returned. See judicial rules below. Have fun, play fair.

Judicial stuff: Our league is intended to be recreational in nature, but, well, stuff happens, here’s how we will handle it when it does.


A protest is the formal filing of a complaint seeking redress such as protesting the outcome of a game for any reason.

Protests shall be filed in writing and must be mailed to 2169 Se Scott Ave, Gresham, OR, 97080 within forty-eight (48) hours after the scheduled game along with a $50.00 bond in order to be valid. The protest letter and the $50.00 bond must be mailed together. NO EXCEPTIONS. A $50.00 cash bond shall be posted for each protest.

If the Judicial Commissioner upholds the protest, the $50.00 bond will be returned and the fine reimbursed. If not upheld, the $50.00 bond will be considered forfeited and deposited.

The Judicial Commissioner will respond in writing within seven (7) days of receiving the protest. This response will be one of three actions: upholding the protest, denying the protest or scheduling a hearing regarding the protest. The letter from the Judicial Commissioner will outline appeal procedures.


Referee decisions, right or wrong, are final if they pertain to the FIFA Laws of the Game, or as modified by the league. No protests are allowed for Red Cards and Yellow Cards.


An appeal is the request for a rehearing by a higher authority. For instance, one might appeal the finding of the Metro 7v7 League to the Oregon Adult Soccer Association. At each step you will be informed of your appeal rights, the fee to appeal, and to whom the appeal should be addressed.

The line of authority for an appeal shall be: Adult Teams after paying the appropriate fee.

No affiliated league, team, player, referee, coach or other entity may invoke the aid of the courts of any state or the United States without first exhausting all available remedies within the league OASA and the USSF. For violating the preceding sentence, the offending party shall be liable to the league, and its Directors and officers for all expenses incurred in defending each court action, including but not limited to (a) court costs, (b) reasonable attorney fees, (c) reasonable compensation for time spent by league Directors, officers and employees in responding to and defending against allegations in the action, including responses to discovery requests and court appearances, and (d) reasonable travel expenses.


Player receiving a Red Card

Penalty: Suspended from playing the balance of that game, the next league game and all OASA sanctioned games during that period – at a minimum. The Judicial Commissioner will review all red cards and may determine that a longer suspension, fines, forfeiture or other penalties are appropriate. If the Judicial Commissioner determines a penalty greater than the minimum the player may request a hearing. All red cards are sent along with the referee report to the OASA office, in addition to any penalties from the league, the OASA imposes a $25 handling fee for the return of the card.

No protest of a Red Card (send off) is allowed. The opinion of the referee is final.

Special Situation – If the suspension would last more than the league season (such as it was given in the final game and the normal suspension until the next league game would be unduly severe) the player may contact the Judicial Commissioner and work out a reasonable way to serve the suspension (usually a game or two in a different league or tournament their team is playing in), if the player does not accept the arrangement they may appeal to the OASA. Whatever the arrangement, the Judicial Commissioner will put it in writing and notify the player and OASA.

Player playing or attempting to play with another player’s card or an altered card

If a player plays or attempts to play using a player card altered in any way, or using a player card other than their own, the Metro 7v7 League will report the incident to the Oregon Adult Soccer Association. The OASA has a minimum one-year suspension for these violations. The league may also take additional actions including, but not limited to, removing the team from the league without refund.

Team Misconduct

Any misconduct by a team may result in penalties such as fines, forfeiture and/or exclusion from the league. Any action taken by the league will be in writing from the Judicial Commissioner and the team may protest and request a hearing by following Rule 16 Section 1.

All penalties are subject to additional action by either the league or OASA